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Словообразование А

I. Study the examples of word formation.

able – способный  ability способность  inability неспособность, неумение; невозможность; несостоятельность disability неспособность, инвалидность unable неспособный  disabled страдающий от увечья, нетрудоспособный

act – дело; поступок action действие actor /actress актёр/актриса  active(ly) активный/активно inactive бездеятельный, пассивный, инертный. бездействующий

add – прибавлять, добавлять  addition прибавление; дополнение; пополнение

admire – восхищаться, восторгаться; любоваться admirable замечательный, превосходный  admirably (= very well)  admirer поклонник,  любитель  admiring восхищённый  admiringly (= with admiration)  admiration восхищение, восторг

advice – совет advise советовать, рекомендовать  adviser советник, консультант advisable рекомендуемый, целесообразный  advisability желательность, целесообразность, (благо)разумность  advisory информационное сообщение

afford – позволять affordable возможный; допустимый; по средствам

agree - соглашаться disagree расходиться, не соответствовать; противоречить agreement соглашение, согласие disagreement несогласие

art – искусство artist художник, особ. живописец  artistic артистический, художественный, артистичный  artistically артистично

assist – помогать, содействовать  assistant помощник; ассистент; референт assistance помощь, содействие

athlete – атлет athletic спортивный athletics занятия спортом

attract – привлекать attraction притяжение; тяготение, привлекательность; прелесть, очарование  attractive притягательный, привлекательный, заманчивый attractively привлекательно attractiveness привлекательность

II. Do the exercise:

1.       Public places are becoming more accessible to people with ***. [able]

2.       I have children in my class of very mixed *** (= different levels of skill or intelligence). [able]

3.       *** to use a computer is a serious disadvantage when you are applying for jobs. [able]

4.       She is deaf, but refuses to let her *** prevent her from doing what she wants to do. [able]

5.       It is often very difficult for the *** to find jobs. [able]

6.       We were *** to contact him at the time. [able]

7.       So what’s the plan of *** (= What are we going to do)? [act]

8.       She *** without thinking. [act]

9.       «Who’s your favourite ***?» «Robert de Niro.» [act]

10.   She’s the highest-paid *** in Hollywood. [act]

11.   He takes a more *** role in the team nowadays. [act]

12.   I’ve been *** looking for a job (= trying hard to find one) for six months. [act]

13.   It’s bad for your health to be physically ***.[act]

14.   In *** to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland. [add]

15.   I think she coped *** (= very well) with a very difficult situation. [admire]

16.   She gazed in *** at his broad, muscular shoulders. [admire]

17.   Annette was getting lots of *** looks/glances in her new red dress. [admire]

18.   The women sitting opposite us were gazing *** (= with admiration) at baby Joe. [admire]

19.   She’s got plenty of ***. [admire]

20.   The police did an *** job in keeping the fans calm. [admire]

21.   His doctor *** him against smoking. [advice]

22.   It’s *** to book seats at least a week in advance. [advice]

23.   They discussed the *** of building so near to the airport. [advice]

24.   She is the party’s main economic ***. [advice]

25.   Television companies sometimes broadcast *** before violent movies. [advice]

26.   Her seat *** her an uninterrupted view of the stage. [afford]

27.   If the three parties cannot reach *** now, there will be a civil war. [agree]

28.   I’m afraid I have to *** with you (on that issue). [agree]

29.   We had a *** (= argument) about/over the fee for the work. [agree]

30.   Monet is one of my favourite ***. [art]

31.   His friends are all *** – they’re painters, musicians and writers. [art]

32.   ***, the photographs are stunning. [art]

33.   They encourage boys to be sensitive and ***… [art]

34.   Van Gogh’s Sunflowers is very ***, with a balanced composition that is very pleasing to the eye. [art]

35.   Kalan called his ***, Hashim, to take over while he went out… [assist]

36.   The company needs more financial *** from the Government. [assist]

37.   She looks very ***. [athlet]

38.   As the modern Olympics grew in stature, so too did ***. [athlet]

39.   I find him very *** (= He attracts me sexually). [attract]

40.   She always dresses very ***. [attract]

41.   Their house is *** decorated. [attract]

42.   High mortgage rates have decreased the *** of house-owning. [attract]

43.   Life in London has so many *** – nightclubs, good restaurants and so on. [attract]

44.   The opportunity to travel is one of the main *** of this job. [attract]

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