Методическая копилка
Профсоюзный комитет
О школе
Музей истории школы
Наши достижения

Воспитательная работа

Шестой день школьной недели
Социально-педагогогическая и психологическая служба
Сайты школ города
Электронная приемная
Одно окно
Инновационный проект



О школе

История нашей школы           читать далее

Цель школы:

«Научить учиться»

Девиз Школы :

«Быть на Земле Человеком»

Историческая справка: ГУО "Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 2 г. Осиповичи" была открыта в 1906 году.      

Нам 107 лет

Парадигма школы - прививать учащимся представления о том что Здоровый образ жизни начинается не столько с гигиены тела, сколько с гигиены души, гигиены разума.


Наш адрес: 


Могилевская область

г. Осиповичи

ул. Коммунистическая 11.

Телефон приемной директора: 23-7-80

Телефон завуча: 71-6-05



  e-mail: sch2osip@rambler.ru


Гимн Школы: 

Гимн Школы: 
В три этажа огромный дом
Спокойно и уютно в нем
Мы школою его зовем
Но это также отчий дом
Годы птицей пролетают
Школа наша процветает
Атмосферою добра
Окружает всех она
Мы знаем, что всегда здесь ждут
Учителя своих зануд
Озорников, профессоров
И просто всех учеников
Здесь все родня, здесь все друзья
И школу любим мы не зря
Переводя из класса в класс
Выводит в жизнь она всех нас.
Нам эти стены дороги
Мы любим их, мы помним их
И если загрустишь – тогда
Тебя ждет школа номер два.


Our school is a three-storeyed building in the town of Osipovichi. The school-building is not very large, it is comfortable for us. There are many classrooms and specialized rooms for studying different subjects. There are modern facilities for studying, like multimedia centre, interactive board and computer classes.
The pupils study Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Belarusian, Russian, English, History, Geography and Biology in specialized rooms.
Chemistry, Physics and Biology are taught in well-equipped science rooms. Schemes and tables are on the walls, there is equipment for laboratory experiments in the labs. At the lessons we often carry out different experiments and make observations. Mathematics is taught in the science rooms on the second floor.
There are many specialized rooms for studying English in our school. CD-players and DVD-players are widely used at our lessons. There is a special room equipped with computers.
There is the Assembly Hall on the first floor of our school. The Assembly Hall is rather large and light. A lot of meetings, concerts, festivals are held there. It’s a canteen at the same time, where our school offers good lunches. We usually gather there to celebrate holidays. Before the holidays we decorate the Assembly Hall with colourful pictures, newspapers, slogans, balloons and flowers.
On the first floor there is a gym. We like our gym, and we like to spend there our PE lessons. It has a lot of sport equipment.
There are many sport facilities in our school yard. They are basketball court, volleyball court, football pitch. There we have sport competitions and PE lessons when the weather is fine. Our school yard is decorated with flower beds and trees. During the breaks we usually play basketball or volleyball in the yard. And our classmates and our teachers are our fans.
The workshop is located in a special building. There we are taught to use tools and machines. There is a room for manual works for girls. The teacher shows the girls how to cook, sew and design clothes.
I used to get some of my books from my school library. I must admit our school library has a good stock of books and two librarians are always ready to help in one’s choice of books. A great number of volumes fill the shelves. One could find there books of adventure stories, historical novels and tales that open up panoramas of life and history of other countries, psychological novels, collections of short stories, the immortal classics.
Our school library subscribed to several newspapers and magazines. They kept us well-informed about the latest developments in our country and abroad, the news in the spheres of science, art and literature.
We are proud of our school because it provides us with knowledge of high quality and develops our talents and skills. We are sure that by the time we leave school we are individuals, comfortable in our own skin and ready to be a part of the society.