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Словообразование B

I. Study the examples of word formation.

back назад, обратно backwards назад, в обратном направлении

bake печь, выпекать; запекать baker пекарь; булочник bakery пекарня; булочная

beg просить умолять молить beggar нищий beggarly нищенский; жалкий; мизерный

begin начинать; приступать (к чему л.) beginner новичок; начинающий beginning начало

belief вера, доверие believe верить believable вероятный; правдоподобный unbelievable невероятный believer верующий

bend гнуть, сгибать; изгибать bendable гнущийся bendy сгибающийся

boil кипятить; варить boiler паровой котёл, бойлер boiling кипящий; бурлящий

bore скука, скучный человек; зануда boring надоедливый; скучный bored скучающий boringly надоедливо, скучно boredom скука

boss хозяин, предприниматель; босс bossy распоряжающийся, заправляющий всем

brave храбрый, смелый bravery храбрость, смелость, мужество bravely смело

break ломать разбивать broken разбитый breakable ломкий, хрупкий unbreakable неломкий, нехрупкий, небьющийся

II. Do the exercise and check yourself with the KEY.

1. I walked *** towards the door. [back]

2. He took a step *** to allow her to pass. [back]

3. I fetched them from the *** this morning. [bake]

4. *** – a place where bread and cakes are made and sometimes sold. [bake]

5. You’ve won again, you lucky ***. [beg]

6. The council voted to give the new project a *** (= small and not generous) amount of money. [beg]

7. This class is for *** (= people who are just starting to do the activity) only. [begin]

8. Notes on how to use this dictionary can be found at the *** of the book. [begin]

9. She sat down and read the book straight through from *** to end. [begin]

10. I didn’t find any of the characters in the film ***. [believe]

11. All the crew are missing, *** dead. [believe]

12. I’m a great *** in allowing people to make their own mistakes. [believe]

13. You should see her wardrobe – it’s *** – she’s got about fifty pairs of shoes. [believe]

14. She’s been a *** since she survived a terrible car accident. [believe]

15. I *** down and picked up the coins lying on the road. [bend]

16. Something which is *** can be bent. [bend]

17. A *** is a device which burns gas, oil, electricity, or coal in order to provide hot water, especially for the central heating in a building. [boil]

18. It was a *** hot morning. [boil]

19. It was a cold, wet day and the children were ***. [bore]

20. She finds opera ***. [bore]

21. The film has a *** predictable ending. [bore]

22. There was a *** expression on her face. [bore]

23. They started quarrelling out of sheer ***. [bore]

24. He is rather ***. [boss]

25. She faced the consequences ***. [brave]

26. They were awarded medals for their ***. [brave]

27. Have you got anything *** in your bag? [break]

28. We heard the sound of *** glass. [break]

29. Careful – there’s *** glass on the floor. [break]

30. This new material is virtually ***. [break]

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